UTTI2978 -. Uttiedius (Tedius 1, RE 5A.1.106-7) L. f. Afer

Life Dates

  • After 75?, birth (Rüpke 2005)
  • Before 29?, death - violent (Rüpke 2005) Expand

    Suicide (MRR). In the 30s (Ruepke)


  • Consul Designatus? 43 to 33 (Broughton MRR II Appendix 2) Expand
    • Consul Designatus under the Second Triumvirate, who committed suicide because of threats from Octavian (Suet. Aug. 27.3; cf. on Uttiedius Afer, Augur and Cos. Desig., Inscr. Ital. 1.1, Tibur, 134). (Broughton MRR II Appendix 2)
    • Cos. Desig. between 43 and 33. An augur, who committed suicide under pressure of threats from Octavian (Suet. Aug. 27.3, with the name Tedius Afer). Cf. CIL 14.3615-Inscr. Ital. 4.1.134, at Tibur, with the nomen Uttiedius, and the title augur. See Wiseman, NM 268, no. 454. Cf. MRR 2.446.[210x] (Broughton MRR III)
  • Augur? 39 to 36 (Rüpke 2005) Expand
    • Cos. Desig. between 43 and 33. An augur, who committed suicide under pressure of threats from Octavian (Suet. Aug. 27.3, with the name Tedius Afer). Cf. CIL 14.3615-Inscr. Ital. 4.1.134, at Tibur, with the nomen Uttiedius, and the title augur. See Wiseman, NM 268, no. 454. Cf. MRR 2.446.[210x] (Broughton MRR III)