LAEN3119 Q. Laenius (1) Q. f.


  • Praefectus? 509 to 31 (Broughton MRR II Appendix 2) Expand
    • CIL 9.4204-ILS 6127. A Prefect such as those to Capua and Cumae. (Broughton MRR II Appendix 2)
    • See MRR 2.484, and now ILLRP 302. Mommsen (CIL 1(2).2.398) thought him a prefect like those sent to Capua and Cumae, but Tibiletti suggests that he was like the prefects often left by a commander in charge of a town (RIL 86, 1953, 82). (Broughton MRR III)