STAT3267 -. Statius (1) Vol.? 'the Samnite'?

Life Dates

  • 123?, birth (Hinard 1985) Expand

    Aged 80 when proscribed, in 43/42

  • 43, proscribed (Hinard 1985) Expand

    Hinard 43 no. 131

  • 43?, death - violent (Broughton MRR II) Expand

    Executed as proscriptus.


  • Senator - Office Unknown before 87 to 43 (Broughton MRR II Appendix 3) Expand
    • An influential Samnite who was made a senator after the Social War, and was proscribed in 43 at the age of eighty (App. BC 4.25). (Broughton MRR II Appendix 3)